Texas will be the first state to reopen NEXT WEEK

  • State parks will reopen on Monday and retailers can reopen on Friday April 24 
  • The retailers will only be allowed to reopen if they can do at-home or curbside deliveries so people will not be allowed inside stores or businesses 
  • Texas has a population of 29million but only has 17,000 coronavirus cases
  • By comparison, New York City has 8million residents and around 120,000 cases 
  • Gov. Greg Abbott said he would continue to monitor the outbreak 
  • President Trump said on Thursday that the country could reopen on May 1 
  • However he is not responsible for actually implementing reopening plans 
  • That is down to the governors who must also pay for the restart of the economy 

Texas will begin reopening next week, Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Friday, starting with public parks and retailers on a 'to-go' basis.

People will still be asked to wear face masks or coverings in public and they must still adhere to social distancing.  

Retailers will be able to open again next Friday but on a to-go basis only meaning they must deliver to people's homes, cars or other places. 

Surgeries that were postponed because of the pandemic will also be allowed to go ahead, but on a case by case basis. 

Schools and universities will however remain closed for the remainder of the school year. 

Despite having a population of 29million people, the state has only recorded some 17,000 cases of the virus. 

By comparison, New York City - which has a population of more than 8million - has around 120,000. 

Abbott said the reopening would be in phases. 

'Understand this: opening in Texas must occur in stages. Obviously, not all businesses can open all at once on May the first. 

'Some businesses, if fully open, without better distancing standards, would be more likely to set us back, rather than to propel us forward. 

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